Become a partner

Become a partner

Being a partner of the Let’s Travel! Russian Tourism Forum is a prestigious status granted to successful companies that are recognized members of the business community. Having the status of a partner offers effective opportunities to promote your business and demonstrate your products and services using the Forum’s platform and information resources.

What do partners receive?

  • The opportunity to engage in an open dialogue between business and government
  • Unique formats for participation in the business programme, including the opportunity to organize your own event as part of the Let’s Travel! Forum, as well as a presentation or press conference with the invitation of your company’s partners
  • An audience of over 50,000 people, including members of the Russian government and heads of regions, as well as senior officials from leading companies
  • Information support that will make your company’s participation in the Forum as visible as possible
  • The opportunity to invite business partners to the Let’s Travel! Forum, as well as to the company’s business events held as part of the Forum
  • A personal manager from the Roscongress Foundation

Title Partner

An exclusive status that is granted to successful Russian and foreign companies that are recognized members of the business community and offers vast opportunities to showcase your company’s special position. The status provides the broadest possible range of privileges, including the best sites for setting up a business networking area, an expanded promotional campaign with privileged placement on advertising spaces at the Forum venue, an equipped meeting room for business meetings, and support using the information resources of the Forum and the Roscongress Foundation.

Partner Country 

Partner Country is a status that provides the opportunity to most effectively represent your country on the Russian market. The Partner can hold its own presentations and other events within the Forum’s interactive space, as well as a promotional campaign using the Forum’s information resources. It also offers the Partner’s representatives the opportunity to take part in the Forum’s business programme as experts (subject to approval by the Forum Organizer).

General Partner

A prestigious status granted to major companies that are recognized business leaders. It provides the opportunity to take part in all events of the business programme on a priority basis, receive information support from leading Russian media outlets, set up your own business networking areas, initiate and hold events as part of the business and cultural programmes of the Let’s Travel! Forum, and present new projects, brands, and services to the Forum’s unique audience in the most comfortable format. 

Official Partner

This exclusive status is granted to the largest companies and offers unique opportunities, such as: organizing and holding your own business event, presentation, or press conference and the participation of your company’s senior officials in business programme discussions as experts as part of the Let’s Travel! Forum (subject to approval by the Forum Organizer).

Partner Region 

Partner Region is a status that offers your company’s senior officials the opportunity to take part as speakers at a business session (subject to approval by the Forum Organizer). In addition, a Partner Region is granted the unique opportunity to hold its own events in the festival’s interactive areas in priority time slots, as well as protocol events in the agreement signing and press areas.

Gala Dinner Partner

This status provides an opportunity for the partner company’s senior officials to make a welcome address at the opening of the gala dinner. It also offers an equipped area within the interactive areas of the Forum’s festival, as well as a wide range of promotional tools using the Forum’s information and advertising resources.

Festival Partner

This status offers an opportunity to hold events in the festival’s interactive areas, as well as the opportunity to make a welcome address at the Forum’s opening ceremony. The festival generates a great deal of interest each year and is an excellent opportunity to strengthen your company’s image in the eyes of partners and colleagues, as well as to establish trust-based business contacts through networking in an informal setting.

Partner City 

A Partner City is one of the key participants in the Forum and has a wide range of tools to promote its business, including the exclusive opportunity to conduct an interview on one of the days of the Forum with subsequent posting on social media and the Forum’s website, the opportunity to organize a business event, presentation, or press conference (subject to approval by the Forum Organizer) during the Let’s Travel! Forum, as well as advertising at the venue and in all the Forum’s printed materials.

Business Programme Partner

A Business Programme Partner is an ideological fellow-thinker of the Forum that receives special mention at the opening ceremony. It is a partner that is able to offer an original and in-depth analysis of the topics included in the Forum’s business programme. The partner company’s speakers have the opportunity to take part in the events of the Forum’s business programme on a priority basis. 

Session Partner

This status offers industry experts the opportunity to participate in the business programme. Participants can place their own promotional structure in the business programme area during the session.

Opening Ceremony Partner

The opening ceremony is a memorable part of the Let’s Travel! Forum as well as an effective tool for attracting the attention of the country’s active population and resolving corporate issues. This status provides the opportunity to display the partner’s promotional video on screens at the opening ceremony before it starts. 

Award Ceremony Partner

The award ceremony is one of the most important parts of the Let’s Travel! Forum programme, which attracts the attention of both guests and participants. This status allows the partner company to participate in organizing entertainment events, which offers new opportunities for expanding contacts and engaging in an informal dialogue on key issues. 

Organizing Partner

Assistance in holding the Let’s Travel! Forum provides your company with excellent opportunities to promote your business and provide your products and services to event participants.

Contact information

If you are interested in becoming a partner of the Let’s Travel! Russian Tourism Forum, please contact the Partner Relations Directorate:

 +7 (499) 760 3008